Tuesday, July 8, 2008


so yeah,
i have no blogging skills.
i would usually blame it on the fact that i dont really have that much to blog about, but that seems like a too typical answer.
really, i should get off my butt and do some blogging, but when you think about it, or at least when i think about it, im sitting when i blog, so really...
yes, i have too much time to think about these things. i try to be funny, but i just sound kinda weird.
i like bike riding. i find it very fun. not only is it great exercise, but it lets you explore the scenery around you. yep.
i also like jumping on trampolines. even though you get tired very quickly, it is still quite amusing.
i just ate some pie, but i want some more because it tastes good.
this is probably the most random blog entry you will ever read.
the next one will be better.


b/a wilson said...

hey Heidi
Glad to hear you are settling in okay. Cool looking shades...you look very mature. Exercising and reading are great passtimes.....you are exercising your mind as well as your body!

[H] said...

hey weiner, how about you blog once in a while??

silly face!

[H] said...

i spelled wiener wrong.

don't hate me.

Rainbow Rodeo said...

since when do you like riding bikes??????